“There is no favorable wind for the sailor who doesn’t know where to go” - Seneca
Hi, I’m Chris,
Over the last 15 years, I’ve built and sold multiple seven figure businesses, developed and closed dozens of successful real estate deals, and been recognized on Inc. Magazine’s Inc. 500 list for starting and leading one of the 250 fastest growing companies in America. Today my body, soul, and mind are tattooed with the permanent physical, mental, and emotional scars to prove it. It took me 35 years to complete the journey to the top of my mountain, but nothing along the way could have prepared me for what I found there: The modern American success story is a lie!
I’d finally made it into the inner circle - the who’s who of business, wealth, influence, and power; and what I found behind the glittery curtain was horrifying - an endless carousel of anxious, overwhelmed, exhausted, addicted, depressed, lonely, disconnected, miserable, and trapped people who didn’t like their spouse and barely knew their kids. Sadly, there was simply no time or energy left for those problems after paying the enormous physical, mental, and emotional dues demanded to maintain status and standing in the exclusive circle of elites. The cost was unbearable, but the image and “success” had become so branded onto the core of their identities that the payment was non-negotiable. The most horrifying discovery of all - I WAS ONE OF THEM!
In 2018, I finally made a choice. Something had to change. Over the next several years, I embarked on a new journey to FALL IN LOVE WITH MY LIFE AGAIN; RECOVER my tattered mental and emotional health: UNCOVER new margin in my time, energy, and money; and DISCOVER how to chase authentic passions, impact, and deep vibrant connections with myself, my family, and my work. The restoration of my mental health, my happiness, and ultimately my soul, has only been possible because of the coaches, mentors, and therapists who have helped me realize that CHANGE IS A CHOICE. Over the last several years, I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to share the secrets I’ve learned along the way by coaching and mentoring others in their journey to do the same; and in doing so, have discovered my LIFESONG.
- Chris